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Skinny Botanicals

28 Day Detox-Debloat Kit

1 pack Super TeaTox - Day-Time Boost
➔ 1 pack Super TeaTox - Night-Time Cleanse
➔ 1 Fitness Motivational Water Bottle
➔ 1 Insulated Glass Detox Bottle

  • 1 AM Detox Tea with 15+ Super-Botanicals for Detoxing, Bloating Control, Natural Daily Boost and Invigoration.

  • 1 PM Detox Tea with 8+ Super-Botanicals for Detoxing, Bloating Control, Cleansing and Restoring Sleep.

  • 1 Fitness Motivational Water Bottle for daily hydration and flushing of impurities.

  • 1 Glass Detox Bottle for hot or cold brewing or to Detox on the go.

Regular price $69.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $69.99 USD